All NEISD computer labs have been replaced and are now running Kidspiration 3. This is an excellent cross-curricular program that allows for differentiation and does not require a large amount of prep time. Kidspiration 3 differs from version 2 in that it now provides a math component that includes virtual manipulatives. I’ve created some resources to help get you started. Hover over each tool to view an Atomic Learning video tutorial. Log in using your full NEISD email as your username and your 6 digit employee number as your password. For hundreds of already created lessons, visit Kidspiration Online Teacher Resources. Looking for more in-depth Kidspiration Support? Check out these pre-recorded free webinars on a variety of topics:
- Keep Your Students Learning to the Last Bell with Kidspiration
- Teaching STEM and 21st Century Skills with Kidspiration
- Learn to Use Kidspiration Math Tools
- Writing to a Prompt with Kidspiration
- Individualizing Early Literacy Instruction with Kidspiration
- Making Sense of Fractions with Kidspiration
Using Kidspiration Starter
Using Math Starter
Using Picture View
Using Writing View
Using Teacher Menu