Modern Chalkboard is a SMART Choice


Download from our large collection of professionally created SMARTBoard Notebook files for teachers. Most activities are common-core aligned. We have math, ELA, science and social studies lessons. Members have complete access to all files on the website. Please explore our website. If you like what you see, we invite you to become a member.

I’ve been using and recommending Modern Chalkboard for a while, but haven’t had the opportunity to check out their entire collection of SMART Notebook lessons until recently. Thanks to Tim Weibel, I was given a free subscription to explore their paid content. The Free SMARTBoard Activities are just the tip of the iceberg. I found the paid content to be just as engaging and required thinking at a much higher level than the lessons found on the SMART Exchange. Another feature I love about these lessons is that each one comes with a free downloadable student recording sheet. Something that I model on a Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 9.37.51 AMregular basis is making sure every student is accountable for their learning during a lesson. Yes, we want students to come to the front of the class to interact with the board but not all can participate at the same time. A recording sheet engages all learners and allows the teacher to monitor understanding. Finally, each Modern Chalkboard created lesson is designed without visual clutter, which allows students to easily focus on the main learning objective on each slide. 

A yearly Modern Chalkboard membership is $30.00. When you think about the time it takes to create your own interactive lessons, this is a very small price to pay for convenience and quality.

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